Como instalar um plugin no SketchUp 2016?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 22-09-2022
(38 votos)

Como instalar um plugin no SketchUp 2016?

  1. No SketchUp, selecione Janela > Gerenciador de extensões. ...
  2. Clique no botão Instalar extensão.
  3. Na caixa de diálogo Abrir, navegue até o arquivo . ...
  4. Quando o SketchUp avisar para instalar somente extensões de fontes confiáveis, clique em Sim para prosseguir e instalar sua extensão.

Como instalar o make faces no SketchUp?

Inicie o SketchUp e clique na aba JANELA>GERENCIADOR DE EXTENSÕES. Clique em INSTALAR EXTENSÕES e procure pelo plugin “. rbz” que você baixou da web. Encontrado e selecionado o plugin, clique em ABRIR.

Como instalar plugin Floor Generator SketchUp 2020?

Depois que baixar, saber como instalar esses plugins no SketchUp é fácil:

  1. No menu de ferramentas, clique em “janela”
  2. Vá até a opção “gerenciar extensões”
  3. Clique em instalar extensão.
  4. Uma nova janela será aberta e nela basta você procurar por sua pasta de plugins e clicar naquele arquivo com extensão .

Which is the best Google SketchUp plugin for make faces?

Make Faces Google SketchUp Plugin Review. The Make Faces plugin created by Todd Burch with is a good tool to make imports from AutoCAD easier to work with. As you recall from our post about the AutoCAD import plugin we suggested that you use the import as a guide and put it on its own layer and then trace it.

Why does SketchUp have bug Splat After closing?

Now after the installation, if I use the plugin, Sketchup has bug splat after closing. And installing this plugin was the only operation in Sketchup I have done this morning. If I open Sketchup and do not use this plugin, Sketchup closes correctly. As for an error code, none displayed. Just the Bug Splat form as shown.

Who is the creator of the make faces plugin?

Overall, the Make Faces plugin created by Todd Burch is a great companion to the AutoCAD import plugin. At the time of this review this plugin is free and is available at I give this plugin 4 out 5 stars. Share! You must be logged in to post a comment. Unable to display Facebook posts. Error: Error validating application.

Do you need to be a member to fixbug crash SketchUp?

FixBug crash Sketchup! You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads. You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads. Is beautiful that please without concept! Thanks! I will add soon! Works with any problem! Loaded by the first post file on the 2016! You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads.

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