SOME: algum; SOMETHING: alguma coisa; SOMEONE/SOMEBODY: alguém; SOMEWHERE: algum lugar.
Something, anything, nothing and everything!
Não conheço ninguém aqui....As estruturas SOMEbody, EVERYone, NOthing, ANYwhere...
something | alguma coisa ou algo |
somebody ou someone | alguém |
somewhere | alguma parte, algum lado ou algum lugar |
somehow | alguma maneira ou alguma razão |
Usamos indefinite pronouns ou pronomes indefinidos para nos referir a qualquer pessoa, coisa ou lugar, sem especificar quem ou o que estamos falando. Esses pronomes são compostos de duas partes. A primeira é um adjetivo ou advérbio quantitativo, como: every, some, any e no.
We also use anybody / anything / anywhere with sentences that have a negative feeling. There is hardly anybody here. She ate hardly anything. We spent the weekend at home without going anywhere. We can use somebody / something / somewhere in questions when they are offers or requests or when we think the answer is yes.
We use someone / somebody / something / somewhere in the same way as some and we use anyone / anybody / anything / anywhere in the same way as any. We use somebody / something / somewhere mainly in positive sentences. We can find somebody who can help. There's something in the bag.
Put in something, someone, somewhere or anything, anyone, anywhere into the gaps. I need to drink. I need something to drink. Do you need help? I've got in my eye. There is at the door. We haven't heard about Peter. Is he ill? Do you live near Mandy? wants to see you. Has seen my bag? My teacher asked me . Can I have to drink?
Fill in the gaps with something, anything, nothing, everything, someone, anyone, no one, everyone, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere. 1 We have looked for Mike but we can't find him .
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