Como dar os golpes do Street Fighter?

Pergunta de Eder Silva em 23-09-2022
(19 votos)

Como dar os golpes do Street Fighter?


  1. Electric Thunder: aperte soco varias e repetidas vezes.
  2. Rolling Attack: segure trás e solte apertando pra frente + soco.
  3. Vertical Rolling: segure baixo e solte pra cima + chute.
  4. Backstep Rolling: segure trás e solte apertando pra frente + chute.
  5. Surprise Forward: frente + os 3 chutes.
  6. Surprise Back: trás + os 3 chutes.

What do you need to know about Ultra Street Fighter IV?

Playing Ryu teaches footsies (using appropriate pokes in different situations), zoning (knowing when to throw fireballs), and an introductory list of attacks and combos that prove to be beneficial for new players to learn and familiarize themselves with Ultra Street Fighter IV.

How to use guile Ultra Street Fighter 4 moves?

Bait the opponent to jump in or do a move that goes through projectiles. Also, please avoid getting swept at all costs; try to keep distant away from sweeps and whiff punish with either stand roundhouse, low forward, or his own sweep. The same applies to slides as well.

What kind of char is Oni Ultra Street Fighter?

Oni is a char that is all about footsies and applying pressure. despite having the staple tools of a typical shoto char he isn't just a shoto clone that can be played like ryu or akuma.

What are the weaknesses of guile Street Fighter?

Along with Dhalsim, Guile has one of his main weaknesses, which is getting focus attacked up close. Guile doesn't have any fast two hit normals, which can be frustrating. When Guile blocks a focus, it's basically a 50/50 situation. However, he can stop focuses with flash kick when he's charged of course.

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