O que se significa Warwick?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 22-09-2022
(38 votos)

O que se significa Warwick?

O nome 'Warwick' significa "moradias à beira da barragem (weir)".

Where to start as Warwick in League of Legends?

As Warwick, whether you start red or blue does not matter a whole lot. It's best to start whichever buff is on the bottom side of the map, where you can get a leash from your ADC and support. Don't smite either buff, wait to use your Q until you've lost a little health.

How to build Warwick jungle in League of Legends?

Don't smite either buff, wait to use your Q until you've lost a little health. It is an auto attack cancel, so you can go: auto auto auto q auto; for your first rotation. If you started red, go straight to wolves, smite big wolf, then clear blue buff and then gromp. Then look to take crab and for your first gank.

What kind of champion is Warwick in RuneScape?

Warwick is a wolf-man who bites lots of people. He can also leap tall buildings small walls in a single bound. Like most people, Warwick was the first champion I ever jungled with. His combination of easy sustain and easy ganks (post level 6) made him a god-send for learning how to be a good jungler.

What's the best way to play Warwick in RuneScape?

Warwick is fast, almost certainly faster than his opponent, so pick your target and go. Be decisive and focus somebody down with Jaws of the Beast before you open your maw towards another juicy opponent.

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