Installing Google Drive on Your Laptop or Desktop. Go to and make sure you are logged in with the account you will want to sync. Click on the Settings gear and select “Download Drive.”. Click on “Download Drive”. If asked, enter the username and password you have set up for your laptop.
Ver e abrir arquivos
Open Google Drive. Go to in your computer's web browser. This will open your Google Drive page if you're logged into your Google Account. If you aren't signed into your Google Account, click Go to Google Drive if prompted, then enter your email address and password.
How to use Google Drive's new Backup and Sync tool 1) Download the Backup and Sync tool. 2) Sign into the Google account you want to use for your file and photo storage. 3) Pick the folders you want to backup. 4) Next, select the option "Sync My Drive to this computer.".
Searching Google Drive Use the search bar at the top of your Google Drive type in keywords to find your files. Search will find files that are have the keywords in the title of the document OR are in the document itself. The search will look in all owned files and files shared with you.
Como gerar boleto de multa ambiental?
Qual o tipo de organograma da Natura?
Quais são os nível hierárquico?
Para que serve a fita impermeabilizante?
O que significa o processo concluso ao defensor?
Quais as sequelas de uma cirurgia na cabeça?
Como é feito o papel e o papelão?
Quais são as consequências da dívida pública?
Quais as características de cada signo?
Qual a diferença entre vacância e exoneração?
Quem é o consumidor na relação jurídica de consumo?
Quais são as funções e qual é o objetivo da camada física?