Voce pode usar o cx_Freeze.
2 Respostas
Você também pode utilizar o atalho Ctrl + Shift + F10. Depois disso, o PyCharm irá apresentar algo parecido com um prompt de comando na parte inferior da tela. É ali que o programa vai rodar. Você também pode interagir escrevendo comandos e pressionando a tecla Enter para executá-los.
py2exe is a distutils extension which allows to build standalone Windows executable programs (32-bit and 64-bit) from Python scripts; Python 3.3 and later are supported.
Python is needed on the computer where py2exe itself is run because py2exe is a Python program and it includes parts of Python in the package that is built. To successfully complete this tutorial you'll need to know the basics of Python (you can get started at python.org's getting started page).
The C-runtime library for Python 3 does NOT need a windows manifest any longer to load correctly (this is a feature of Python, not of py2exe). py2exe now contains a hooks module which contains information about some standard packages. The goal is to fine-tune the build process so that no (at least less) warnings are emitted from modulefinder.
When working with py2exe the only part of Distutils we'll typically need to reference directly is the setup function, so that's all we'll import. Once Distutils is loaded, we need to load py2exe so that it can add its command. Whitespace is good!
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