1. Reinstalando os drivers Bluetooth automaticamente
Inicie o Gerenciador de Dispositivos do Windows e localize o dispositivo de destino (por exemplo, "Mouses e outros dispositivos drivers>Synaptics Pointing Device"). Clique com o botão direito e selecione “ Desinstalar”. Haverá uma janela pop do driver do dispositivo para confirmar a operação.
Verifique se o Bluetooth está ativado. e mantenha essa opção pressionada. Toque em Nome do dispositivo....Configurar, desparear ou encontrar um acessório Bluetooth
Ative o Áudio do smartphone:
Reinstalar o dispositivo Bluetooth - Windows 10.
Selecione o botão Iniciar botão e selecione Configurações > Dispositivos > Bluetooth e outros dispositivos . Verifique se o Bluetooth está ativado.
1. Gerenciador de Dispositivos do Windows
How to completely remove a Bluetooth device from Win 10? wouldn't normally necro a thread but i spent two weeks trawling the internet trying to sort this out and this thread is pretty high up on the search rankings, hopefully can help someone. - You pull your hair out. God I hope that helps someone else.
1 Click on the Windows icon in your taskbar to bring up the Start menu, then choose “Settings.” You can alternatively use the Windows + I keyboard shortcut. 2 Click on the “Devices” tile. 3 Make sure you’re on the default “Bluetooth & other devices” tab. ...
NOTE: To view drivers for your specific Dell computer, turn on the toggle switch "Show downloads for only THIS PC". Click the Download button next to the Bluetooth driver and save the file. Using File Explorer (also known as Windows Explorer), browse to the location where the downloaded file was saved.
You can then right click the driver and select Delete. The driver and associated files will be removed. In Windows 7 click the Start button in the bottom left corner and select Device and Printers to access the list of printer drivers. You can then highlight the driver and click the Remove device option.
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