Como reiniciar o OneDrive?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 22-09-2022
(68 votos)

Como reiniciar o OneDrive?

A melhor maneira de redefinir o aplicativo é desinstalar e reinstalá-lo.

  1. Abra Configurações.
  2. Selecione Aplicativos.
  3. Toque em Gerenciar aplicativos.
  4. Localize e toque em OneDrive.
  5. Toque em Forçar parada , depois em Limpar dados e Limpar cache.
  6. Após terminar, desinstale o aplicativo.
  7. Reinstale o aplicativo do Google Play.

What happens when you reset OneDrive?

A OneDrive reset is a relatively unknown yet immensely powerful technique that helps the application flush out redundant data accumulated in its cache over time. The procedure also resets any improper configurations caused by third-party applications, and provides OneDrive a clean slate to start working with.

How do you restart one drive?

Here’s how to restart OneDrive app: Right-click on the OneDrive icon (a white cloud) in the taskbar. Click Exit. Go to Search, type onedrive and open OneDrive. Check if you’re able to sync your files again.

Why is OneDrive not running?

The most likely cause is you have turned off start up items to speed up start up time, but if you turn off Microsoft OneDrive in that menu it wont turn on and there's no other way to turn it on.

Why is one drive not working?

If you are uploading a large chunk of data, it can also cause the OneDrive sync problem. An unreliable connection , a bad update of your OS, or denial of permission are other common issues that cause the OneDrive not syncing issue.

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