Onde fica C6 e C7?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(67 votos)

Onde fica C6 e C7?

A coluna cervical localiza-se na parte alta, e é composta por sete vértebras, denominadas: Vértebra Cervical 1 (C1), Vértebra Cervical 2 (C2), Vértebra Cervical 3 (C3), e assim sucessivamente, C4, C5, C6 e C7.

Quais são as 7 vértebras cervicais?

Na parte alta, encontramos a coluna cervical (pescoço) e suas sete vértebras: Vértebra Cervical 1 (C1), Vértebra Cervical 2 (C2) e, assim, sucessivamente: C3, C4, C5, C6 e C7. Desse conjunto, apenas duas vértebras da coluna cervical não têm um disco intervertebral interposto entre elas: C1 e C2.

Onde ficam as vértebras?

As vértebras são os ossos que compõem a coluna vertebral dos vertebrados. Normalmente o ser humano possui um total de 33 vértebras, incluindo nesse número as cinco que se encontram fundidas e formam o sacro, e as quatro coccígeas.

O que é C5 C6 e C7?

A fraqueza muscular também pode estar presente devido a uma hérnia de disco cervical. Os dois níveis/segmentos mais comuns na coluna cervical com hérnia são o C5 - C6 (5ª e 6ª vertebras cervicais) e o nível C6-C7. O próximo mais comum é o C4 - C5 e, raramente, no C7 -D1 existe presença de hérnia.

How is the C7 vertebra different from the C6?

While the C7 vertebra is similar to C6, it has a few unique features: A more prominent spinous process is present in C7, which is also known as vertebra prominens. This process (a bony protrusion or hump) can be felt at the base of the neck and provides attachment to more neck muscles compared to the other cervical vertebrae.

Where is the C7 located in the skeleton?

Unlike the other cervical vertebrae, the C7 has a large spinous process that protrudes posteriorly toward the skin at the back of the neck. This spinous process can be easily seen and felt at the base of the neck, making it a prominent landmark of the skeleton and giving the C7 the name vertebra prominens.

How does the C7 support the head and neck?

The body of C7 supports the collective weight of the head and neck. Facets lateral to the C7’s body allow the C7 to form joints with the C6 vertebra above it and the T1 below it. Fibrocartilaginous disks above and below the C7’s body provide cushioning.

What are the symptoms of A C6-C7 spinal disc injury?

Common Symptoms and Signs Stemming from C6-C7 A vertebral and/or disc injury at the C6-C7 motion segment may cause immediate or delayed symptoms. A dull ache or burning pain may occur in the lower cervical area, often accompanied by neck stiffness.

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