Install Java JDK 11 (Ubuntu Default) By default, Ubuntu 20.04 includes the Java 11 JDK. If Java is not installed on your system then use the following command to install the Java JDK. $ sudo apt install default-jdk
Para programar em java você precisa do Java Development Kit (JDK).
By default, Ubuntu 20.04 includes the Java 11 JDK. If Java is not installed on your system then use the following command to install the Java JDK. The above command will install the default version of Java JDK-11 on your system. Now, you can check the installed version using the following command:
Java is open-source and has two variants, the JDK (Java development kit) which is required when you plan to develop Java applications, and the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) which is used to run java applications, so it does not contain compilers and development tools.
Installing Java Open the terminal on your system using ‘Ctrl + Alt+ t’ or through the application search bar as follows: To start the installation of Java on Ubuntu 20.04 first, you need to update the apt repository on your system using the following command: $ sudo apt update
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