Como usar swipe Buster?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(65 votos)

Como usar swipe Buster?

O site Swipebuster criou um serviço que permite que usuários insiram informações básicas sobre qualquer pessoa e descubram rapidamente se ela está no aplicativo de relacionamentos. Para utilizar a funcionalidade, basta entrar no site e pagar uma taxa de 4,99 dólares.

O que é swipe Buster?

O terror dos desconfiados é o Swipebuster, um site que promete descobrir se alguém tem perfil no Tinder. De acordo com os desenvolvedores, a ideia surgiu em 2016, após alguém fazer a seguinte pergunta: “Como eu sei se estão me traindo (no Tinder)?”.

Como usar o Tinder secretamente?

Confira no passo a passo abaixo:

  1. Abra o Tinder, vá até as Configurações e delete sua conta atual.
  2. Feito isso, feche e abra o app novamente.
  3. Selecione a opção “Entrar com número de telefone”
  4. Por fim, siga o passo a passo de cadastro para criar sua nova conta.

Is there such a thing as swipe Buster?

In an ideal world, online dating sites would only be used for online dating, but there are some real gits out there who make a profit from the details on a person’s dating profile. Enter Swipe Buster, which “busts” people who are on Tinder, ostensibly those who are cheating on their partners.

How does the swipe Buster work on Tinder?

Enter Swipe Buster, which “busts” people who are on Tinder, ostensibly those who are cheating on their partners. For $5, you enter the person’s first name, age, gender, and where they likely last used Tinder, and receive a gallery of users who fit that criteria.

Can you use swipe Buster to find your cheating partner?

While it’s tricky if you’re looking for someone with a common name and you happen to live in a big city, Vanity Fair found it worked in its own tests — through several searches, Swipe Buster was able to find the people they were searching for. Just like that, your cheating partner is, well, busted. Hooray, no more cheating!

Do you hate Ashley Madison or swipe Buster?

As we saw after the Ashley Madison leak, people hate cheating and they hate cheaters. Many blogs, news outlets, and social media users gleefully discussed the prospect of millions of cheaters being outed to their vindicated significant others. With Swipe Buster, the sentiments are similar.

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