Para enviar tributos a outros jogadores
All tributes made in Age of Empires and Age of Empires II have a 30% tribute tax: If a player sends 100 units of a resource, 130 resources will be withdrawn from their resources. The tax has two purposes - first, it simulates how resources become lost on the way in the real world due to corruption, bandits, tariffs, etc.
In Age of Empires III, the player can send tributes via the in-game options at the top right corner of the screen. There is a tribute tax of 12%. This means that if a player has 300 food and attempts to give a tribute of 100 food, they will instead lose 112 food.
In Age of Empires II, in the single player campaign and skirmishes, neutral computer players may request resources in exchange for an alliance with the player; allied computer players may also request resources from the player in order to build up their forces.
Similarly to the above-mentioned games, all tributes made in Age of Mythology have a tribute tax, but 10% rather than 30%. If a player sends 100 units of a resource, the recipient will receive 90 units. To expunge the tribute tax, the player must research Ambassadors at the Market .
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