Tudo pronto! Como usar o Samsung Health
Passo 1. Na primeira tela do Samsung Health, toque em “Gerenciar itens” para adicionar os tipos de exercícios que você planeja realizar, como caminhada, corrida, ciclismo e outros. Passo 2. Antes de realizar a atividade, localize o atalho relacionado ao exercício e toque em “Iniciar” para começar a monitorar.
Etapa 1: Selecione um treino Para fazer a bola rolar, abra o Samsung Health, clique no bloco Exercício e escolha o tipo de exercício na lista. A partir daí, toque no menu suspenso Treinamento básico para escolher um método de gravação.
Reboot your phone. and your Samsung health app should start working Download a root file explorer (such as Root Explorer , Root Browser , or ES File Explorer ). Open the root file explorer and go to the /system folder. In the build.prop file look for ro.config.tima=1
You may be prompted to sign in to your Samsung account when you open Samsung Health again. From your phone, open Settings, and then swipe to and tap Apps. Search for and select Samsung Health. Then, tap Uninstall and follow the on-screen prompts to uninstall the app. After you have uninstalled Samsung Health, reinstall it.
If the app is not up to date, open the Play Store, and then tap Menu. Tap My apps & games, and then tap UPDATES. If Samsung Health appears in the "UPDATES" list, tap UPDATE next to the app. If no updates are available, the app will not appear. It may be necessary to uninstall Samsung Health, and then reinstall it.
Note: The Samsung Health Monitor app requires a Galaxy Watch Active2 or Watch3 on the most recent software (Tizen or higher), paired with a Galaxy phone running Android 7 (Nougat) or later. Navigate to and open the Galaxy Store on your phone, and then tap Menu (the three horizontal lines).
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