Para chegar lá, use o orbe de translocação no Sanctum Santorum da Torre Solfúria em Luaprata para chegar na Cidade Baixa. Quando chegar lá, desça de elevador até a cidade propriamente dita.
This is the capital city for the Undead race, and is located in south-central Tirisfal Glades. The city is located completely under the ruins of Lordaeron, which was a Human capital during Warcraft III lore.
Para chegar em Dalaran, utilize a sala de portais na sua capital. A sala de Portais em Boralus (Aliança) ou, de Dazal'alor (Horda) leva você diretamente à Dalaran. As salas de portais de Vento Bravo e Orgrimmar levam você até Aszuna, onde tem um ponto de vôo para Dalaran.
Just go to Silvermoon and up to the Sunfury Spire, go to the first room on the right, the mage room. Then there is a portal to Hellfire Peninsula, go through the portal and right on top of you is another portal to Orgrimmar.
You'll see the Orb of Translocation at the center of the room. The map coordinates of the Orb are 59,67 if you are having difficulty finding it. You'll need Burning Crusade installed in order to use the Orb of Translocation. Use the Orb to teleport to Silvermoon. You will end up in the Inner Sanctum of the Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City.
Then there is a portal to Hellfire Peninsula, go through the portal and right on top of you is another portal to Orgrimmar. Very simple, no need for a zeppelin.
If you need to get back to Undercity, you can follow the steps in reverse. Use the Portal Room. The Portal Room in Orgrimmar serves as the primary hub for teleports and travelling across the various continents and worlds. There is a portal to every major area from each expansion.
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