Com a opção --local ( -l ), você executa uma busca local através das gems já instaladas. Para instalar uma gem, use gem install [gem] . Para navegar através das gems instaladas, use o comando gem list . Para mais informações sobre o comando gem , leia abaixo ou acesse a documentação do RubyGems.
Para fazer isso, precisamos instalar um pacote chamado RVM – gerenciador de versões Ruby. Este pacote permite instalar QUALQUER versão do Ruby em nossa máquina Ubuntu e nos permite alternar entre versões. Todo o código aqui será executado usando a CLI / terminal do Ubuntu.
Como instalar RVM para gerenciar ambientes Ruby no Mac OS
Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. RVM manages multiple Ruby environments and allows you to switch between them. Ubuntu 20.04 dedicated server or a VPS. A root user or normal user with administrative privileges. Let’s start with the installation.
If you no longer wish to use RVM, you can uninstall it by first removing the script calls in your .bashrc file and then removing the RVM files. First, remove the script calls with a text editor like nano: nano ~/.bashrc.
However, once the install is complete, and the instructions to add users to the rvm group is followed, the use of either sudo or rvmsudo is no longer required. The sudo command is only to temporarily elevate privileges so the installer can complete its work.
Installing the stable release version: To get the latest development state: Instruct RVM to not change the shell initializations files ' rc' / ' profile': Please note that from this point it is user responsibility to add sourcing rvm to appropriate files. For a Multi-User install you would execute the following:
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