Criar um filtro de grupo
Use o comando BCOUNT, selecione a área que deseja saber a contagem dos blocos ou dê enter para que o comando conte todos os blocos do arquivo. Após pedir o comando, selecione a área em que deseja contar os blocos e dê enter: Se quiser contar todos os blocos que tem no arquivo, não selecione a área, apenas dê enter.
Para alterar as configurações de seleção de objeto
A ferramenta Filter só está disponível via atalho, para isso digite Filter (ou FI) e pressione Enter. Você será direcionado para a janela Object Selection Filters (Filtros de seleção de objetos).
Para selecionar objetos
Applies the filtering criteria to the entire drawing or to the current selection set (if one exists). If Append to Current Selection Set is selected, the filtering criteria is applied to the entire drawing. Temporarily closes the Quick Select dialog box so that you can select the objects to which you want to apply the filter criteria.
You can also use Quick Select to exclude drawing objects from a selection set. Enter the QSELECT command. In the Quick Select dialog box, under Apply To, select Entire Drawing or the current selection set (if one exists). To select a group of objects to which you want to apply the filtering criteria, click Select Objects.
As I mention before, we can’t have multiple properties selection at once. So if you want to select all lines AND text with red color, you need to use QSELECT twice. When you use it for the second time, don’t forget to activate the append to current selection set.
First activate QSELECT, filter them by linetype. Include them in new selection set. Click OK. Now you have selected all lines with that linetype. Now let’s do it again. We need to filter them again. Activate QSELECT, then filter them by color.
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