Como fala Best em inglês?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 23-09-2022
(42 votos)

Como fala Best em inglês?

Best é um termo em inglês, que significa melhor ou ótimo. Na maior parte das vezes é usado como um adjetivo, mas também pode ser usado como substantivo ou advérbio. Best é o superlativo do adjetivo good, sendo que o comparativo é better (good, better, best que em português seria bom, melhor, o melhor ou ótimo).

How to be the best friend you can be?

No matter what reason you have, this article will help you become a great best friend. Be yourself. Being yourself around someone is part of what makes you all best friends. You are who you are, and your best friend will accept that. Being "fake" could lead you to lose your best friend, and it gets tiring to be someone whom you're not.

What's the best way to talk to your best friend?

Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks but never listens. If you're a chatterbox, try to develop good listening skills. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something. Don't just say "yeah" and move on.

Can a friend not be a good friend?

They won't care, and if they do, they might not be the right friend for you. If your friends kindly point out your faults and/or suggest you make certain changes to help your friendships blossom, don't automatically grow defensive or harbor bitter feelings against them.

Do you tell your parents about your best friend?

Despite the fact that your friend may not want people to know about their secret, it's best to tell your parents or a trusted adult about this. Keep in mind that your friend might have told you their secret because they are tired of keeping it to themselves and they are silently asking for help. Keep your word.

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