Quem é o impostor na nave?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 22-09-2022
(16 votos)

Quem é o impostor na nave?

O papel do impostor em Among Us O objetivo padrão de todo impostor é matar toda tripulação e evitar que as tarefas sejam totalmente concluídas. Além disso, eles podem transitar por partes da nave que nem todos os tripulantes possuem acesso, como os tubos de ventilação.

Quem é o impostor Google?

O impostor é o jogador que tem por objetivo eliminar os tripulantes, praticando assassinatos silenciosos e criando discórdia para se proteger. É a forma mais divertida de jogar o game, devido a adrenalina e risco, muitos jogadores gostariam de ser, apenas, impostores.

Quem é o criador do Among Us?

InnerSloth PlayEveryWare Among Us/Desenvolvedores

Is there an ability to sabotage in Among Us?

Sabotage is an ability in Among Us, exclusive only to Impostors, both living and ghosts . The Skeld 's Sabotage interface. MIRA HQ 's Sabotage interface. Polus 's Sabotage interface.

When do the impostors win sabotage among us?

The Impostors will win if the countdown reaches zero. Resolving this Sabotage requires two people to enter the same code in PIN pads at either side of Gap Room. The code is reset at a set interval of time, and therefore needs to be entered in each PIN pad before it resets.

Where is the sabotage button on the Polus?

Polus 's Sabotage interface. The Airship 's Sabotage interface. Impostors can enact Sabotages, which create temporary problems that Crewmates can either wait out, ignore, or fix. The Sabotage button, located in the bottom-right corner of the screen, will open up a red map where different Sabotages can be triggered.

How to resolve comms sabotaged on Among Us?

On The Skeld, Polus, and The Airship, Comms Sabotaged is resolved by adjusting the dial to match two wavelengths on a monitor. On MIRA HQ, resolving Comms Sabotaged requires two people to enter the same code in PIN pads at separate locations, Office and Communications.

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