Porque não responder I'm fine?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(74 votos)

Porque não responder I'm fine?

Um “I'm fine” com um sorriso pode realmente significar que você está bem. Mas se você o disser de uma maneira mais lenta e desanimada, certamente indicará que algo está errado.

Como responder fine thanks and you?

Alright, okay, fine thanks. Está bom, OK, óptimo, obrigado. Yes, just fine thank you. Sim, muito bem, obrigada.

Quando usar Fine ou ok?

How are you? (estou bem. Como você está?). Veja que nós podemos usar I'm fine (estou bem), I'm good (estou bem), I'm OK (estou bem) e depois dizer and you? (e você) para continuar a conversa.

Como dizer I'm fine?

I'm fine. - Estou bem.

O que significa I'm fine What about you em português?

I'm fine and you? estou bem e você?

Which is the correct way to say I'm Fine?

This probably means more than just fine, maybe better than fine. I’m Great! Much more than just fine and also an American-English phrase but widely used. You can say this with great emphasis in your voice to show how good you are. Do not say this in a monotone voice with no feeling or people will think you mean the opposite.

How to respond to " how are you doing?

Here are responses you can use: 1 “Hi, I’m doing good, and how are you today?” 2 “I’m doing fine, thanks. It’s a beautiful day.” 3 “I’m good, thank you, and you?” 4 “I’m feeling just fine, and you?”

What's the best way to respond to a question?

Typical responses would include: The "Thank You" may be appended to your response; its use is intended to thank the person for asking the question (good manners, etc.). In general, respond with the same, if there is time.

Do You Lie if you're not fine?

I don't like lying if I'm not fine (even though you are supposed to) and answering them honestly requires more self-reflection than I should really have to go through on the spur of the moment just because I bumped into a casual acquaintance.

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