Selecione o objeto que deseja usar como moldura. Clique em Efeitos PowerClip Colocar na moldura PowerClip vazia. Você também pode clicar com o botão direito no objeto, selecionar Tipo de moldura e clicar em Criar moldura PowerClip vazia. Você também pode clicar no botão Moldura PowerClip na barra de ferramentas Layout.
PowerClip gives you the ability to place an object or multiple objects inside a container. This container can be made up of a single object, several objects, or text. To begin, start by typing your text: 1. In the Toolbox, select Artistic Text tool; 2.
An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later. The PowerClip tool in CorelDRAW allows you to place vector objects and bitmaps, such as photos, inside other objects, or frames. A frame can be any object, for example artistic text or a rectangle.
Using PowerClip is an easy way to trim your artwork to a specific shape or size or add creative effects such as clipping a photo inside your text. Download a printable copy of the tutorial and the exercise file to follow along and try the steps on your own. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.
Drag the rectangle over the plaid pattern in the stocking but don’t release your mouse button. You will see a menu that pops up with some instructions, one of which is Hold (W) to add to PowerClip frame.
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