O que é fluconazol 150mg?

Pergunta de Bernardo Silva em 23-09-2022
(57 votos)

O que é fluconazol 150mg?

O fluconazol 150 mg é indicado para o tratamento de Candidíase vaginal (infecções da vagina causadas por fungos do gênero Candida) aguda e recorrente (de repetição), como profilaxia (prevenção) para reduzir a candidíase vaginal recorrente (três ou mais episódios por ano), balanite por Candida (infecção fúngica da ...

What is fluconazole 150mg tablets used for?

Diflucan 150 mg Tablets. Diflucan ® (fluconazole) is a prescription drug used for treating (and sometimes preventing) various types of fungal infections.

Should fluconazole be taken with food?

Take Fluconazole pill with or without food along with a full 8 oz. glass of water. Taking the medication with food and water helps prevent any nauseating sensation. Evenly space out the doses of the antibiotic and take the dose at the scheduled time every day.

How long does it take for fluconazole to work?

Fluconazole works by stopping the growth of Candida. It usually starts to work within one day, but it may take 3 days for your symptoms to improve and up to 7 days for your symptoms to disappear. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the virus called herpes simplex ( HSV ).

What are the side effects of Diflucan?

Common side effects of Diflucan include: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, stomach or abdominal pain, upset stomach, diarrhea, heartburn,

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