2ª Etapa: no site Unscreen
Como criar GIFs customizados da sua marca para usar nos Stories?
A única maneira de criar um vídeo com fundo transparente é gravá-lo inicialmente na frente de uma tela verde. Depois de enviar um vídeo de tela verde para o VSDC (ou qualquer outro editor de vídeo que possua a ferramenta Chroma Key), você pode remover a cor verde, deixando assim o fundo transparente.
With Unscreen you can record your footage anywhere, then simply get rid of the background. No need to pick pixels, select colors, paint masks or move paths: Unscreen analyzes your video 100% automatically and generates a high-quality result. Simple, good. One of the most exciting tools I have seen for content creation lately!
At the moment Unscreen Pro works very well for videos of people, animals or objects that are clearly the primary subject (i.e. in focus, staying in the scene, separated from background). However, some videos are more challenging than others.
With Unscreen you can record your footage anywhere, then simply get rid of the background. Create amazing GIFs: Pick, edit & share. Artificial Intell... Start erasing background from photos with only 3 clicks. Image 1. Upload images Drag and drop your images. 2. Click Start Click "Start" button to upload your images to our servers. 3.
Unscreen Pro supports any framerate and preserves the original footage framerate in the result file. The pricing applies to videos with up to 30 fps. Extra charges apply for higher framerates accordingly: If you are subscribed to a monthly plan, videos with more than 30 fps deduct more video seconds from your budget accordingly.
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