Para tirar as propagandas do celular:
Você também pode tentar remover o manualmente usando as seguintes instruções....Remover o Dos Programas e Recursos:
Permitir ou bloquear notificações de alguns sites
Eliminate Ads X from Google Chrome. Refresh Chrome by completing each step carefully: Delete malicious plugins. Open Google Chrome, click on the menu icon (top right corner) and select Tools → Extensions. Here, select Ads X and other malicious plugins and select trash icon to delete these entries.
TopRemoving Safe Finder Ads from Chrome Click on the menu button on the top right corner of a Google Chrome window. Click “Extensions” on the left menu bar. Go through the extensions list and remove programs you do not need, especially similar to Safe Finder. Press on the “Remove” button on the Confirmation window.
Move the slider until the ad disappears. This slider appears on a pop-up window, which can be dragged around the screen if you need to see beneath it. Click "Looks good" to permanently block that ad. Change miscellaneous options. Click the icon to bring up the options menu again, then click "Options" to open a new tab.
On Windows, open Control Panel and click on “Uninstall a Program”. Here, look for any malicious programs and uninstall it then and there. Similarly, on Mac, open Finder and click on Applications. If you don’t recognize a program or the app seems odd to you, move it to the trash. Further, empty the trash. 7. Block Intrusive Ads
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