Como responder Where Are They?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 22-09-2022
(33 votos)

Como responder Where Are They?

Logo, a resposta correta seria "I am from Brazil", traduzido em "Eu sou do Brasil". De modo geral, o "where" é usado para perguntar sobre lugares. Por exemplo, caso você queria perguntar para uma pessoa onde ela mora, você perguntaria "Where do you live?".

Como responder perguntas com has?

Exemplos de perguntas em Inglês usando 'Have/Has/Had': Have you seen the UFO?, Has he eaten his meal?, Had you lived there?....Has / Hasn't (he, she, it) ... ?

  1. play.
  2. Where has he been? ...
  3. Has anyone told her father the results of the test? ...
  4. Hasn't Phillip been in the library before?

O que responder se a pessoa falar q tá tudo bem?

Dando uma resposta breve e padrão. Responda com "Estou bem, obrigado" ou "Tudo bem, obrigado".

What does reply to address mean on email?

A reply-to address is the “From” address, coming from you, that allows recipients to receive your emails and reply back. Not only does a reply-to address help avoid customer confusion and frustration, but it improves your email deliverability.

What's the best way to respond to an email?

Over the years, the email team (known as Nurture and Conversion internally) has juggled the art of sending out mass email communications while responding to customer replies. We want to share our experience with you along with suggestions on how to approach recipient replies and what constitutes a good response.

What can someone do with your email address?

Hackers and identity thieves can also get into your accounts faster if you use an email address as your user ID, and it’s the first thing they try. Consider the fact that it places them 50% down the road toward gaining access to your financial life. 5. Scammers Can Use It As ‘Proof’ They’re Legitimate

Which is the best auto reply email sample?

Auto-reply email sample: Hi [first_name], Thanks so much for reaching out! This auto-reply is just to let you know…. We received your email and will get back to you with a (human) response as soon as possible. During [business_hours] that’s usually within a couple of hours.

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