Como resetar ap AC Lite?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(78 votos)

Como resetar ap AC Lite?

Hard Reset UBIQUITI UniFi AP-AC-Lite

  1. Quando UniFi AP-AC-Lite estiver ligado, use um clipe de papel ou algo longo e fino para clicar no botão Reiniciar.
  2. Segure por mais de 5 segundos.
  3. A luz do ponto de acesso piscará algumas vezes na cor branca, então você pode soltar o botão.

Qual o IP do UniFi AP?

Ao indicar o endereço IP do dispositivo ( no navegador, aparecerá a janela de solicitação de credenciais de login.

Is there a reset button on the unifi AP?

Reset The Reset button serves two functions for the UniFi AP: Restart Press and release the Reset button quickly. Restore to Factory Default Settings Press and hold the Reset button for more than five seconds.

How to restore to factory settings UAP-AC lite Quick Start Guide?

Restart Press and release the Reset button quickly. Restore to Factory Default Settings Press and hold the Reset button for more than five seconds. This Gigabit Ethernet port is used to connect the power and should be connected to the LAN and DHCP server.

How can I reset the unifi controller debug window?

The third method, the UniFi Controller Debug Terminal Window Reset is perhaps the easiest (compared to the below SSH reset) Navigate to the devices page. Click on the UniFi UAP you wish to reset. You are now in the “Properties” panel. Select the “Configuration” tab. Click “Manage Device” to expand. Find the “Debug Terminal” at the bottom.

How do I Forget my unifi access point?

1. Navigate to the Devices tab and select the device that needs to be forgotten. 2. From the device Properties panel, select the Config tab and expand the Manage Device section. 3. Forget the device by clicking on the Forget button and confirm the action.

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