"thank you very much" em português
Vamos dar algumas sugestões:
thank you very much interj muito obrigado interj.
very much {advérbio} muito {adv.}
Muito obrigado Note que o "very much" vem ao final da frase, e não no começo como em português. Seria errado dizer algo como "Very thank you". Outras maneiras de dizer "Muito obrigado." são: "Thank you so much!" - com uma ênfase no agradecimento ainda maior do que "Thank you very much."
1) Thank you very much ou Thank you so much Para enfatizar seu “obrigado” em inglês, você pode acrescentar very much ou so much. Mais do que um “obrigado”, é um “muito obrigado”.
Length. Abbreviation for Thank You. 65. TY. Thank You. Texting, Social Media, Internet Slang. Texting, Social Media, Internet Slang. 11. TU.
We use expressions with thank you and thanks to respond to something politely and to show we are grateful for something. Thanks is more informal than thank you. We often add other words to make the response stronger: … Thank you for calling. Thanks for cleaning up. "How are you?" "Fine, thank you." You deserve a big thank you.
You deserve a big thank you. He wrote a thank you note to his grandmother for the birthday present. Although students could express desires and needs, "please" and "thank you" were rare. Massive response as public says thank you to medical staff.
Sometimes one just has to say ' thank you '. Four verb phrases ( thank you, bye-bye, brush teeth, wash face) frequently used with young children in daily interactions were included in the picture-naming task. In spoken interaction the user can interrupt, for instance uttering pardon could you repeat that please or thank you .
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