Encontre um amigo com Mew. Conseguir o Mew por trocas é a única maneira legítima de obtê-lo em Pokémon Fire Red. O Mew é um Pokémon para Eventos e só foi disponibilizado durante um único evento em 2006. Há um glitch no Pokémon Red que pessoas afirmam que funciona para encontrar o Mew.
Derrote a Elite Four. Você precisará derrotar a Elite Four e se tornar o campeão da Liga Pokémon antes de poder completar a missão na One Island e capturar o Mewtwo.
Finding Mewtwo Go to Cerulean City. Inside the cave, you will need to navigate the maze to the bottom floor. Make sure your Pokémon team is at a high level; there are a lot of strong Pokémon here (levels 46-70). At the end, you will see Mewtwo.
Don’t hesitate to post your comment below with your ROM and emulator information if any of the listed Pokemon Fire Red cheat codes don’t work for you. These Gameshark codes can be applied only to Pokemon Fire Red (US) versions as every Pokemon game series has its unique codes, so the cheat codes below do not work for LeafGreen or Emerald.
The Mew glitch does not function in Fire Red and Leaf Green. 1. Trade from someone who has one. 2. Use a cheating device to automatically encounter Mew or hack him into your party/box. Is deoxys still around and where is it??? Actually... Mewtwo can mega evolve using a mega evolution stone... It will evolve into mewtwo X or Mewtwo Y...
There is a way to get Mew, and that is by GameShark cheats. I tried it and it works perfectly. Though, I had to try the Slot 1 glitch in order to get an obeying Mew. to make a traded pokemon to listen to you, you need to earn badges, and the earth badge ( last one) has the power to make all the traded pokemon to listen to you .
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