Como passar active voice para Passive Voice?

Pergunta de Miguel Santos em 23-09-2022
(41 votos)

Como passar active voice para Passive Voice?

Para formar a voz passiva em inglês, o objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva, e o sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser o agente da voz passiva. Como a frase está na voz passiva, desta vez queremos dar ênfase na ação de as roupas estarem sendo lavadas.

Como colocar frases na Passive Voice?

Passive voice: Soccer is being played by she. (Futebol está sendo jogado por ela.) A formação de uma estrutura de uma frase no active voice é: Sujeito + Verbo + Objeto. Já a estrutura do passive voice é formada por: Objeto + Verbo to be + Past Participle (Particípio passado) do verbo principal + complemento.

How to change active voice to passive voice online?

Instant & Accurate. A great tool to change active voice to passive voice online should have features of great accuracy in text correction and choosing the right vocabulary and verbs. It should be instant to act even while writing some text in the text-checking field of the tool.

How to get rid of passive voice misuse?

For eliminating passive voice misuse, you need to change the sentence’s focus from indirect to direct object to the actor. It is done by letting the subject performs the action. The active voice misuse happens rarely and it is simple to fix as well. The active voice sentences are based on short length.

What is a passive to active voice translator?

What Is a Passive to Active Voice Translator? An online tool to detect passive voice sentences and suggest the desired corrections in a piece of writing automatically with the help of predefined software-based linguistic algorithms and grammatical rules is known as a passive voice converter.

What can you do with an active voice converter?

Those active voice changer tools offer numerous capabilities such as grammar, punctuation, plagiarism, and vocabulary checking, linguistic accuracy, and much more. Using an active verb converter provides you with numerous features and capabilities that help you make your piece of text awesome and have a great user experience.

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