Como Kakuzu sobreviveu ao Hashirama?

Pergunta de Gabriel Coelho em 22-09-2022
(33 votos)

Como Kakuzu sobreviveu ao Hashirama?

Kakuzu é incrivelmente durável fisicamente e possui uma técnica que lhe permite continuar vivo enquanto os corações que ele rouba continuarem em seu corpo. Um ataque falho pode simplesmente ter resultado na fuga do futuro membro da Akatsuki.

Como Hashirama foi morto?

Porém, este invencível ninja morreu. Durante a Primeira Guerra Shinobi. Ou ele morreu em combate, o que é extremamente improvável, ou de causas “naturais”. Isso porquê durante a Primeira Guerra ele não era nenhum velho, mal havia passado de seu auge.

Quem é o filho de hashirama é mito?

Hashirama Senju e sua esposa Mito Uzumaki antes de partirem desse mundo, presentearam as terra de konohagakure com uma pequena criança que também agora seria o jinchuriki da Kyuubi, seu nome é Naruto Uzumaki, Hashirama acreditava que sua criança herdando seu elemento mokuton e tendo sangue Uzumaki, ele seria perfeita ...

Quem é o filho de hashirama's enjoo?


Hashirama Senju
Aniversário:23 de Outubro
Altura:Parte I: 185.1 cm Parte II: 185.1 cm
Peso:Parte I: 74 kg Parte II: 74 kg
Clã:Clã Senju

How can Kakuzu survive a match against Hashirama?

That statement fell victim to powercreep, if that makes sense. That statement was to make Kakuzu seem super threatening but it was before any real Hashirama showings. And by the time Hash got real feats, everyone else was so strong that he had to be made into a god to keep up with his reputation and everyone else.

How did Hashirama die in the first databook?

It was stated in the First Databook that Hashirama was killed in battle sometime after defeating Kakuzu, but not before passing the title of Hokage to Tobirama. Then it's a plot hole because there was nobody in that era besides Madara who could possibly kill Hashirama.

What happens to Hashirama and his family after kawarama dies?

Hashirama and his family attend Kawarama's funeral. After the deaths of their brothers, Kawarama and later Itama, Hashirama and his remaining brother, Tobirama, decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths, a system that would require an alliance between the Senju and Uchiha.

Who was supposed to be stronger than Hashirama?

Hash was always supposed to be so strong. Among the first flashbacks of mythos, way back in part 1, it is established than Madara, with Kurama, fought Hashirama, and Hashirama won. Kurama was the first to be hyped to hell and back, and the only entities we knew about that were above him were Madara and Hashirama.

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