Suguru é um grande enigma lógico com duas regras muito simples. As células em cada grade de quebra-cabeça são divididas em grupos e cada grupo contém os números de 1 a N, onde N é o número de células no grupo. Assim, um grupo contendo 5 células conterá números de 1 a 5.
Sudoku para crianças 6x6 – Regras básicas
Suguru is a great new Japanese logic number puzzle with only two very simple rules. The cells in each puzzle grid are divided into groups (or clusters/containers) and each group contains the numbers 1 to n, where n is the number of cells in the group. So a group that has 5 cells will contain the numbers 1 to 5.
Personality Suguru Geto hated non-sorcerers, usually referring to them as "monkeys". He felt sorcerers are the superior race and humanity's next stage of evolution. He was smug and extremely condescending towards normal humans, using fake personas to lure in vulnerable people who were cursed.
The aim of Suguru is to fill each n -sized region with the numbers 1- n. For example, if a region has 3 cells, you need to insert the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in to those cells. If a region has 4 cells, you need to insert the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 in to those cells.
After losing young Yu Haibara, Suguru's enthusiastic junior, the unsure young sorcerer revised the idea that being a jujutsu sorcerer is like running a marathon where the end of the road is just a mountain made of his fellow sorcerer's corpses.
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