Como instalar o Pygame pelo PIP?

Pergunta de Gabriel Coelho em 23-09-2022
(56 votos)

Como instalar o Pygame pelo PIP?

Depois de instalar o Python, instale o PyGame por meio da linha de comando (ou do terminal no VS Code) digitando python -m pip install -U pygame --user . Se tudo estiver certo, o jogo abrirá uma janela. Feche a janela quando terminar de jogar.

Como instalar pygame para Python 35?

O pygame suporta python3. 3 ou não? sudo apt-get install python-pip; sudo pip install pygame ? A partir de 18.10, o Pygame para Python 3 ( python3-pygame ) é um pacote apt....Do terminal:

  1. Mude para o diretório inicial. cd ~
  2. Instale dependências. ...
  3. Construa e instale o Pygame.

How to install Pygame module in PyCharm 2017?

For PyCharm 2017 do the following: File - Settings Double click on your project name Select Project Interpreter Click on green + button on the right side of the window Type Pygame in search window Click Install package.

How do I install Pygame on my computer?

To install pygame you need to write the command: pip install pygame. in your command prompt, if that does not work try: pip3 install pygame. If that fails, make sure to install python from this link . Make sure to add python and pip to your environment path. Restart your computer and then try again!

Is there a way to install Pygame in VSCode?

Restart pycharm and click on install package "pygame" over the error it shows. This also applies for most of the other packages. If you are using VsCode or any other, just pip install pygame (or any other needed) and it should be working.

How to add Pygame as a module in Python?

Download the appropriate interpreter with PyGame included Double click on the option that looks like Project: Name_of_Project Choose the interpreter you want to use that includes PyGame as a module And you are ready to go! Here is an alternate (I have never done this, please try to test it)

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