Como instalar o NetBeans com Java?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(83 votos)

Como instalar o NetBeans com Java?

Para instalar uma plataforma Java SE remota no NetBeans IDE:

  1. Clique em Adicionar Plataforma.
  2. Na opção Selecionar Tipo de Plataforma do assistente de Adição de Plataforma Java, selecione Remote Java Standard Edition e clique em Próximo. O IDE exibe a caixa de diálogo Adicionar Plataforma Java.

Qual é a última versão do JDK?

O Java 15 chegará à disponibilidade geral em setembro de 2020, mas, compilações para acesso antecipado já estão sendo oferecidas em Mais uma vez, a Oracle fornece o Java 14 como a versão do Oracle OpenJDK usando a Licença Pública Geral GNU v.

How to manage plugins in NetBeans IDE-Oracle?

The Plugins manager enables you to enable and disable installed plugins and add new or updated plugins to the IDE. For more information, see Section 2.9, "Managing Plugins in the IDE". You can also pass startup parameters to the IDE launcher in the IDE-HOME/etc/netbeans.conf file by using startup switches.

How to install NetBeans IDE 11.3 on Windows 10?

Now, to install NetBeans IDE on Windows 10, at first we will download NetBeans IDE. Go to Google and type Download NetBeans IDE 11.3. On typing, the official website of NetBeans i.e. “” would be visible on the top of search results.

What do you need to know about NetBeans IDE?

This chapter describes the basics of using and configuring NetBeans IDE. This chapter contains the following sections: The IDE enables you to configure options for its many areas of functionality as well as customize its workspace.

How to install Scene Builder in NetBeans IDE 8?

Go to the JavaFX Scene Builder Installation Guide for installation information. Go to for the latest NetBeans IDE 8 download and installation information. In NetBeans IDE, you use the New wizard to create a new JavaFX FXML Application, which is a JavaFX project that is based on an FXML layout.

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