Instalação do Oracle Instant Client ODBC
WINT - Como instalar ORACLE 10G XE ou ORACLE 11G XE
Como realizar a instalação de um Client Oracle
Como realizar a instalação de um Client Oracle
Primeira coisa a ser feita é definir se sua aplicação é Windows 32bits ou 64bits. A segunda coisa é conferir a compatibilidade da sua aplicação, se ela foi criada para o Oracle 10, 11 ou 12. Baixe a versão correta do client no site da Oracle: Win32: Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x86) 32-bit.
The installation instructionsare at the foot of the page. Oracle Client-to-Oracle Database version interoperability is detailed in Doc ID 207303.1. For example, applications using Oracle Call Interface 19 can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or later.
See the Instant Client Home Pagefor more information about Instant Client. The installation instructionsare at the foot of the page. Client-server version interoperability is detailed in Doc ID 207303.1. For example, Oracle Call Interface 18.3 can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or later. Some tools may have other restrictions.
You access Oracle Universal Installer from the shared hard drive. Go to the "Installing the Oracle Database Client Software" section. You can insert the DVD into a drive on your local computer, and install from the DVD. The steps that you need to complete are:
You can use 32-Bit media for installing Oracle Database Client on all supported operating systems. You can use 64-Bit media for installing Oracle Database Client on all supported 64-bit x64 operating systems. This guide is for both Windows 32-Bit and Windows x64. This chapter covers the following topics:
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