2.1- Iniciar o Banco de Dados: Conectado como usuario oracle no Linux digite: sqlplus /nolog SQL> conn / as sysdba SQL> startup ORACLE instance started.
Como se Conectar ao Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
Most users will install Oracle Database XE by downloading the installation package, extracting the files, double-clicking setup.exe, and answering graphical user interface prompts as needed. Before attempting to install Oracle Database XE 18c, uninstall any existing Oracle Database XE or database with the SID XE from the target system.
How to Remove Oracle Database XE 1 In the Windows Control Panel, select Add or Remove Programs. 2 Select Oracle Database 18c Express Edition . 3 Click Change/Remove or Uninstall. 4 Follow the prompts to deinstall Oracle Database Express Edition. After few minutes, the window will close and the... See More....
If you do not accept the terms, cancel the installation and delete the Oracle Database 18c Express Edition software from the computer.
The default installation directory is C:\\app\\ \\product\\18.0.0, where is the name of the Windows user performing the installation. This is the root of the Oracle Database XE directory tree. This home is where the Oracle Database XE is installed.
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