Como calibrar a tela de um Xiaomi Mi 9?
O bug misterioso no Android, iPhone ou Windows Phone pode impedir que o usuário utilize o celular, já que a tela fica “pressionando” botões automaticamente. Isso acontece quando o smartphone está carregando ou muito quente, mas é possível que uma tela suja ou um erro de software também provoquem os toques fantasmas.
Arraste o controle deslizante para a direita para aumentar a sensibilidade. Feito isso, a reação da tela ao seu toque será mais rápida. Arraste o controle deslizante para a esquerda para diminuir a sensibilidade. Dessa forma, o tempo que a tela leva para detectar seu toque será um pouco maior.
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4. now randomly touch your screen with 1 or 2 fingers you'll notice 1 or 2 ghost touches. 1. Open settings 2. Activate developer options (My device > Tap 8 times on "MIUI-Version") 3. Settings > Additional Settings 4. Developer options 5. Disable MIUI-Optimizations (at the very bottom). 6. Reboot
Some of the devices that have been (in)famous for being susceptible to ghost touch issues include the old Motorola Moto G4 Plus, several models of the Apple iPhone – including the latest iPhone 12 series, and some older OnePlus devices. All of that is to say, if you're having a ghost touch issue, it's probably not a problem with the software.
Follow this step with a dry cloth and wipe it clean. It is actually a good practice to wipe your screen a couple of weeks to prevent any smudges or dust accumulation which could eventually lead to the dreaded ghost touch issue.
1. Open settings 2. Additional settings 3. Open "Language & Input" 4. Open "pointer speed" (at the very bottom) 5. Turn it down to the minimum. This will decrease the touch sensitivity and it worked for me. Maybe you don't even to turn it down completely, just try out something that will work for you. I had the same issue on my Mi 9 SE.
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