What are some of the controls In Stardew Valley?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(52 votos)

What are some of the controls In Stardew Valley?

Pressing CIRCLE after selecting an item (s) from your inventory will move it to the trash icon. One of the most useful controls is the Right Stick. It can be used to exactly place furniture, rugs, windows, etc. where you want them. It's pretty sensitive but absolutely required especially for placing windows.

Como melhorar vara de Pesca Stardew Valley?

O retângulo verde aumenta em tamanho com maior nível de habilidade de pesca e melhores varas de pesca. O movimento errático do peixe também diminui com maior nível de habilidade de pesca e melhores varas de pesca, melhorando seu controle por meio de movimentos mais suaves do retângulo.

How do you power up tools in Stardew Valley?

To "power-up" tools such as the Watering Can (i.e., act on multiple tiles at once), press and hold . Interacting with villagers with any item other than tools will gift that item to the villager. When moving inventory, the button will move one item at a time or hold to move multiple.

How to use keyboard and mouse In Stardew Valley?

Keyboard & Mouse Key Description W A S D W Move Up A Move Left S Move Down D Move ... Left Click, C Use tool or place item Right Click, X Check/Do Action Escape, E Open Menu ...

How do you change hotkeys In Stardew Valley?

All hotkeys can be reassigned by opening the menu and choosing the Options tab The following emotes are available by pressing Y : Shift + an inventory item/stack to move it to the top row. Shift + to continuously purchase items inside a shop/merchant's inventory window. Shift + to craft 5 items at a time inside the crafting menu.

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