Caso aconteça um Bug Splat e ao abrir seu arquivo novamente você perceba que perdeu boa parte do seu trabalho, você pode renomear este arquivo de . SKB para . SKP que imediatamente ele se torna um formato na qual o Sketchup pode ler.
Periodicamente, você precisa limpar componentes não utilizados do seu arquivo. Se o fizer, irá reduzir o tamanho do arquivo e parar alguns desses bugs splats do SketchUp. Para limpar sem uso, vá até a aba Window> Modelo Info> Estatísticas> Purge Unused.
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Geralmente essas são as soluções para os problemas relacionados: Plugins: Remover o plugin. Drivers de vídeo: Desativar a opção de aceleração por hardware ou atualizar o driver da placa de vídeo.
Please be aware that you may not receive a response after submitting a BugSplat. Update the driver for your graphics card. Open the SketchUp file. Then copy and paste the geometry into a new SketchUp file. Open the SketchUp file and select Window > Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused.
Make a copy of that *.skb file & change the extension of your copy from .skb to .skp. If for some reason sketchup isn’t saving backup files go to Window Tab>Preferences>Generaland make sure your settings match the below image. 11 Ways to Avoid a Sketchup Bug Splat The Latest & Greatest– If you’re using Google Sketchup there’s a problem.
Update the driver for your graphics card. Open the SketchUp file. Then copy and paste the geometry into a new SketchUp file. Open the SketchUp file and select Window > Model Info > Statistics > Purge Unused. Make sure that no unusual characters appear in Scene or Layer names.
Please do send us the error report, and please include a description of what happened just before SketchUp had to close. This really helps us to track down and fix any problems that cause our software to close. Please be aware that you may not receive a response after submitting a BugSplat. Update the driver for your graphics card.
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