Cache são cópias locais que os navegadores usam para carregar sites de forma mais rápida, usando a lógica de que ler arquivos no computador é bem mais rápido do que ler esses dados do zero a partir da Internet.
O Cache do Navegador é um armazenamento temporário que tem o propósito de deixar os sites mais rápidos. Ele funciona salvando arquivos estáticos na memória do seu computador local. Esse recurso reduz a quantidade de solicitações enviadas ao servidor de internet que contém os arquivos reais.
No app do Chrome
Microsoft Edge is also build on Chromium now, so many of the same steps above apply. To find your browser history, press Ctrl+Shift+Del, type " edge://settings/clearBrowserData " in the address bar, or go to the hamburger menu > Settings > Settings (again) > Privacy, search and services > Clear Browsing Data and click Choose what to clear.
Click the History icon (looks like a clock), and then select Clear all history. Select Browsing history, then Cookies and saved website data, and then Cached data and files. Click Clear. After the "All Clear!" message appears, exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.
Back to top Chrome for Android Tap Chrome menu > Settings. Tap (Advanced) Privacy. From the "Time Range" drop-down menu, select All Time. Check Cookies and Site dataand Cached Images and Files. Tap Clear data. Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser. Back to top Safari for iOS Open your Settings app. Tap Safari.
Under the main menu in Opera, in the navigation bar on the left, click the clock icon to enter History. You'll see a Clear browsing data button that offers almost identical settings as Chrome. That's because Opera is built with the engine from the Chromium Project, which also underlies Chrome.
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