How to factory reset an Ubiquiti unifi UAP?

Pergunta de Gabriel Coelho em 23-09-2022
(61 votos)

How to factory reset an Ubiquiti unifi UAP?

Here are some simple steps to follow when you want to physically factory reset a UniFi access point: Release the button after 10 seconds (if it has worked, the LEDs on the UniFi UAP will stop glowing) The LED should now come back on and remain a solid colour (colour will depend on individual model, see Ubiquiti’s guide here)

Como resetar antena Ubiquiti LiteBeam m5?

Botão de reset Para reiniciar os padrões de fábrica, pressione e mantenha pressionado o botão Reset por mais de 10 segundos, enquanto o LiteBeam já estiver ligado. Alternativamente, o LiteBeam pode ser redefinido remotamente através de um botão de reinicialização localizado na parte inferior do adaptador PoE.

Why is the unifi reset button not working?

If despite numerous tries to reset the device, it appears not to be resetting and boots back up to a blue LED, it could be because of one of the following reasons: 1. The device is connecting back to the UniFi Network Controller because it was not forgotten (see the above steps). 2. The reset button ...

Is there a way to reset unifi video to factory default?

UniFi Video is an obsolete product line. This application and its related devices will no longer receive any manner of technical support, including functional and security updates. Additionally, there will be no further updates to Help Center content pertaining to UniFi Video. Readers will learn how to reset an EdgeRouter to factory defaults.

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