Para utilização do HD SATA basta seguir o seguinte passo-a-passo:
The USB 2.0 to SATA / IDE Cable allows you to connect SATA or IDE devices to your computer via USB port, a very useful tool for data transfer, backup and cloning. The Hi-Speed USB interface provides an easy plug-and-play installation.
Several years ago I purchased a set of "USB to IDE or SATA adapter cables" made by I used them several time on my old Windows XP computer but I never tried them on my Windows 7 computer until now.
They still work fine when I connect an internal IDE hard drive using these cable through my USB port but when I attempted to connect an SATA internal hard drive I got an error telling me that Windows 7 could not find a driver.
I purchased this item USB 2.0 to IDE / SATA Converter Cable Sold by: Eforcity via for $4.85 plus shipping. I used the subject Converter to connect a Hitachi 1TB internal hard drive to my laptop. The hardrive was from my desktop PC and it contained all my data (backed up elsewhere than goodness).
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