Para ativar o Picture em Picture:
Comece a reproduzir um vídeo no iPhone ou iPad; Localize o ícone do Picture-in-Picture nos controles da reprodução (é um quadro maior apontando para um quadro menor) e toque nesse botão; O vídeo será reduzido para um quadro flutuante, que pode ser movido pela tela e redimensionado (com o movimento de pinça).
YouTube Premium
Como ativar o Picture-in-Picture no iPhone
Para ativá-lo, você deve ser assinante do YouTube Premium. Além disso, é necessário acessar o endereço e rolar a página para encontrar a opção “Picture-in-picture no iOS”. Ali, clique em “Fazer um teste”. Pronto, o PiP está habilitado.
Google Chrome: como ativar o Picture-in-Picture com extensão
How to Use YouTube in Picture in Picture Mode in iOS 14 1 Open the desired YouTube video using Safari, Chrome, or any other iOS browser. 2 Request a desktop version of the website: For this, in Safari, tap on the AA button from the top left. ... 3 Now, play the video. It will open in full screen. Tap on the PiP icon from the upper left.
One such feature is the picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, which allows you to play media (mostly, videos) in a small window — as an overlay — on the screen. Thus, allowing you to multitask and navigate your phone, simultaneously, while watching videos.
Once you have done all this, you have to look for the picture-in-picture icon, which looks something like a big screen pointing to a smaller window. If you have done all things as mentioned above, your YouTube will be in picture-in-picture mode and then you can easily swipe out and surf around to do any other task.
Open the desired YouTube video using Safari, Chrome, or any other iOS browser. Request a desktop version of the website: For this, in Safari, tap on the AA button from the top left. Next, tap on ‘ Request Desktop Website .’ In Chrome, tap on the three dots icon in the bottom right and then tap on ‘ Request Desktop Site .’ Now, play the video.
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