Como usar o Padlet no ensino remoto?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(85 votos)

Como usar o Padlet no ensino remoto?

O jeito mais fácil de fazer isso é simplesmente clicar em “compartilhar”, no canto superior direito da tela, que permite enviar o acesso ao mural através do e-mail, redes sociais ou Google Sala de Aula. É interessante apresentar aos estudantes diferentes pontos de vista e abordagens sobre o tema, em formatos variados.

Quem inventou o Padlet?

Nitesh Goel Gratuito e fácil de registrar, o Padlet, anteriormente denominado de Wallwisher, foi criado por Nitesh Goel e Pranav Piyush em 2012.

What's the best way to share a padlet?

Visit the SHARE menu and tap on the "Share/Export/Embed" tab. From there you can see all the possible ways to send a padlet, from a scannable QR code to an EXT or PDF file, to the link to the padlet. The simplest way to share? Just copy and paste the link from your browser bar.

Do you need a password to access a padlet?

To change this, go to the SHARE menu. There, you can choose from four blanket permissions options. Private - Only you and the people you add as contributors can access the padlet. Password Protected - Visitors will need to enter a password (of your choosing) in order to access the padlet.

Is it possible to write on a padlet?

Right now, anyone with the link to this padlet will be able to write on it. To change this, go to the SHARE menu. There, you can choose from four blanket permissions options. Private - Only you and the people you add as contributors can access the padlet.

Can you drag a file to a padlet?

You can also double click anywhere on a padlet, or copy/paste items directly onto a padlet. You can also drag a file directly from your desktop onto the padlet. Posts appear instantly and simultaneously, even when multiple people are working on the same padlet at once.

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