Após instalar o plug-in no seu programa 3D, ele vai aparecer esta opção para salvar, indo através do menu \"export\". Instale o programa Maxwell Render, e o plugin do Maxwell para o 3DS Max. Primeiramente escolha o MAxwell como render. Para fazer isso basta aperta F10.
Arquivo responsável pelo processo de Exportação do Sketchup para o Kerkythea. Para instalar o Plugin no Sketchup você precisa acessar o menu do Sketchup e ir em Janela>Preferências > Extensões > Instalar Extensão, selecionar o arquivo baixado por você e dar ok.
The Maxwell Render Technology, which is the most important thing here, considered to be, touched the pinnacle of sophistication in the world of SketchUp and 3d. You could get free version of this plugin, but there is a paid-licence version also available in the market.
When we are discussing ‘plugin’, one of the most important and timely in this line would be ‘Maxwell for SketchUp’. If you discuss it elaborately, it has to be mentioned in the very beginning that, the creation of ‘Maxwell for SketchUp’ was meant to render the SketchUp.
There is a brand new FREE plugin just released by Next Limit (makers of Maxwell Render) that will allow you to render with realtime feedback within the regular free version of Sketchup (versions 6,7,8). Edit - There are now tutorial videos showing the basics of using the new plugin available at the link above. Jason.
The new Cloud Render service allows you to access the most powerful machines available in the cloud (up to 220 cores) speeding up the render process and thus improving your productivity. Cloud render jobs can be easily dispatched from Maxwell Studio and the plugins, freeing the local computer from high CPU loads.
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