Como usar o Fake GPS no Pokemon Go 2021?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(19 votos)

Como usar o Fake GPS no Pokemon Go 2021?

Passo 1. Em seu celular Android, vá até a Play Store e procure o aplicativo Fake GPS Location - GPS Joystick. Ao encontrá-lo, basta instalar.

Como saber se a pessoa excluiu o Grindr?

O site C*ckblocked, em português algo como “pau bloqueado”, permite ao usuário do app Grindr ver todos os que bloquearam. A ferramenta foi desenvolvida por Trever Faden, um profissional de tecnologia de Washington, EUA.

Is there a way to fake GPS in Pokemon Go?

They can help you fake GPS in Pokemon Go. They allow you to choose a destination on a map and make the phone GPS synchronized. In this way, you can easily find and catch Pokemons from the places you can't physically get to, and even capture the rare ones with ease. So the answer to the question "Can you still fake GPS on Pokemon Go", is YES.

Which is the best GPS app for Pokemon Go?

No.1: The Best Fake GPS App - iMyFone AnyTo iMyFone AnyTo is designed to create virtual location or route for AR games. You can use it to fake GPS for Pokemon Go. You can change your location to anywhere in the world and catch pokemon in the game, without going outside.

How do you Spoof a location in Pokemon Go?

Step 1: Open Pokemon Go to start with. Look for the location you want to spoof. Install VPNa app from the Google Play Store and open it. Step 2: Assuming you have Developer options turned on, tap on “ENABLE MOCK LOCATIONS” on the app. Under the “Developer Options”, choose “Select Mock location App”.

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