Como usar Fake GPS Location GPS JoyStick?

Pergunta de Eder Silva em 23-09-2022
(40 votos)

Como usar Fake GPS Location GPS JoyStick?

Escolha uma localização falsa Abra o Fake GPS Location Spoofer Free e dê um toque duplo na localização que você deseja simular. Você verá o endereço selecionado em um balão sobre o mapa. Quando estiver pronto, toque no botão no canto inferior direito para começar a usar o GPS falso.

Como usar o JoyStick no Pokemon Go?

Para jogar este jogo com um Joystick, você de baixar o joystick para o APK do Pokémon Go no Android no seu dispositivo. O processo de rooteamento é opcional neste truque. Basta você baixar o aplicativo Fake GPS GO Location Spoofer Free & Fake GPS Joystick & Routes Go no seu dispositivo Android na Play Store.

Is there an app to fake GPS location?

GPS joystick is an app that helps the users to fake GPS with the help of an overlay joystick control. It is easy to use and works instantly when you wish to modify the GPS location. Providing a unique “Joystick” option, this app can be considered a useful fake GPS joystick apk.

How can I use a joystick to fake GPS?

Afterward, just go to its Developer Settings and select the GPS Joystick app as its default mock location application. Once you have met these prerequisites, just follow this guide to use the fake GPS joystick APK on your device.

Can you play Pokemon Go with a GPS joystick?

As you already know, Pokémon Go++ is a modified version of the official Pokémon Go gaming app. This tweaked game will allow you to play the Pokémon Go game without actually moving around as it contains an onscreen GPS joystick and uses fake location. You can access quick teleport to any location and play the game without any limitations.

How can I Set my GPS to the current location?

You can choose the current location with the help of a map or joystick. You can also get the GPX files imported and exported to favorites, routes, or custom markers. It offers a good amount of setting options to provide complete user customization. You can manage the settings regarding size, type, and opacity for the joystick.

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