Converter em PDF. Arraste e solte um arquivo do Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint ou imagem para converter em PDF. Selecione um arquivo do MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint ou imagem para converter em PDF. Seu arquivo será carregado para a Adobe Document Cloud.
Passo 1. Com a tela que deseja salvar aberta, pressione simultaneamente as teclas "Ctrl" e "P" para imprimir um documento. Agora, em "Impressora", selecione "Microsoft Print to PDF". Por fim, clique em "Imprimir" e escolha onde salvar o arquivo.
To create a PDF document: 1. On the Home tab, in the Create panel, click PDF > From File. The Create PDF Files dialog appears. 2. Click Add Files, locate the file(s) you want to convert, and click Open. 3. Click and drag the files to visually define the order in which they will be converted.
How to Convert PDF to Publisher Basically what we need to do is convert the PDF document into an image and then import it into Publisher. After downloading and installing this PDF to Publisher converter, launch it and start importing your files. Go to 'Convert' > 'To Image' and define the output folder for your converted file.
You can convert large Word files to PDF using Microsoft Word. Open Microsoft Word. Click "File," "Open" and select the large Word file you want to convert to PDF. Click "PDF" and select "Save as PDF" inside of the print menu. Title the PDF and click the "Save" button. Repeat these steps for other large Word files you would like to convert to PDF.
Click the "PDF Creator" button on the menu bar or select the "File" button and then select the "Export as PDF" option. Enter the settings for your PDF file, select a location to save it and click "Save.". Your Word document will now be in PDF format.
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