1 - Voltando a tela de Dispositivos e Impressoras, clique novamente sobre a impressora TM-T20 ou TM-T88V com o botão direito do mouse e vá em Propriedades da impressora . 2 - Nas Propriedades da impressora, clique em Imprimir Página de Teste . Será exibida a mensagem abaixo, basta fechar.
Configurando Impressora EPSON TM-T20
Veja a seguir como instalar:
No Painel de Controle do Windows, acesse a tela de “Dispositivos e Impressoras” clicando em “Exibir impressoras e dispositivos”.
Configuração do tamanho de papel para cada fonte - software padrão da impressora EPSON - Windows
1. Click on START , then select Devices and Printers. 2. At this point you should see your Epson TM-T20 printer under Printers and Faxes. 3. The Printer Should look something like this, make sure its Solid just as the image shows. Now, it is time to set it up in Artisan so that it prints receipts BUT does not open the cash drawer (YET).
It features printing up to 200mm/second, high reliability, multiple ease-of-use features, dual interfaces and print options that reduce paper usage up to 30%. Need Support?
** By downloading from this website, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of Epson's Software License Agreement. To register your new product, click the button below. Verify your Epson product warranty. For products in warranty, please contact Technical Support. If your product is out of warranty, find a service center.
There are no files available for the detected operating system. Please select a different operating system above. ** By downloading from this website, you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of Epson's Software License Agreement. To register your new product, click the button below. Verify your Epson product warranty.
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