Como responder a pergunta Where are you going?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(66 votos)

Como responder a pergunta Where are you going?

se estiver falando de você: I AM GOING to dubai. se estiver falando de você e mais alguém (we): WE ARE GOING to dubai.

Qual a resposta para What Are You Going to Do?

A pergunta fala de algo que você tem planejado para fazer, isto é, “What are you going to do?” (O que você vai fazer?). Logo, a resposta precisa seguir o mesmo raciocínio. Nas letras a) I travel to Los Angeles e b) I do my homework, não há respostas, mas apenas uma informação no presente.

How are you doing Como responder en Ingles?

How are you doing? Como responder en inglés If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information.

How to respond when someone asks you how things are going?

“Brilliant, lots of work I’m doing at the moment is really challenging me – I’m particularly enjoying the chance I’ve been given to manage the European project team, working remotely.” “That sounds great! Tell me more.” As you’ll probably agree, the first scene above happens far too often.

What's the proper response to " how is it going?

A fairly common condensation of all this is "fine, thanks; you?". – Monica Cellio Jun 16 '11 at 14:18 Technically, "going good" is incorrect grammar; you should use "going well", so "It is going well" is the proper response. "Fine, and you?" You are right, that is very common here. The "proper" answer is Fine. or Just fine, thank you.

Which is correct " how is it going " or " it is going "?

As killter has noted, the correct phrase with "going" is "How is it going?" The "it" here refers generally to your life, your health, your job, or whatever. If the subject is "you," however, you must use "doing." In spoken Engish today, "well" has a higher register than "good," and tends to be used more by educated people.

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