Como recuperar sua conta no Roblox 2020?

Pergunta de Miguel Santos em 23-09-2022
(27 votos)

Como recuperar sua conta no Roblox 2020?

Esqueci Minha Senha

  1. Selecione Esqueceu seu nome de usuário/senha? na página de Login.
  2. Digite seu endereço de e-mail na caixa Email e pressione o botão Submit. ...
  3. Pressione o botão Reset Password ou clique no link no email. ...
  4. Digite e confirme sua nova senha e pressione o botão Enviar.

What to do when you get Roblox error code 279?

Solution 1: Turn off Windows Firewall The first thing you need to do when you face the error is to temporarily turn off your Windows Firewall. Once done, try connecting to the game again to see if the issue persists. If it has been solved, it is probably due to the restrictions imposed by the Windows Firewall.

What is the error code for Roblox 2019?

Paul TamburroMonday, J. Roblox error code 279 and ID=17 failure can cause some headaches if you are unfamiliar with how to tackle these recurring issues.

Why is my Roblox not working on my computer?

Windows Firewall: The Windows Firewall configuration might cause the error in some scenarios. If you have not allowed the required connections for Roblox through the Windows Firewall, they will be blocked and you will get the said error. Bad Game: In some cases, the issue is restricted to a few game servers only.

What to do if you cant play Roblox?

Turn off your firewall/make sure and retry loading the game. You may not be able to play Roblox as a result of you not forwarding ports. Here are the relevant ports you’ll need to open, along with instructions on how to open them: Here’s how to open these ports: Log in as admin to your router. Navigate to the port forwarding category.

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