Siga o caminho para o norte, suba uma escada e caminhe no sentido leste até encontrar um homem entre duas cachoeiras. Fale com o homem. Ele lhe dará a "HM06, Rock Smash". Com essa habilidade, você será capaz de destruir pequenas pedras que bloqueiam o seu caminho.
Suba a escada. Empurre a pedra mais próxima para cima. Depois empurre-a para a esquerda, cobrindo o interruptor que fica na parte mais distante da caverna próximo a um item. Volte e suba a escada de um platô, passe por outro treinador até ver outra escada.
Located within Route 20 is the icy caverns known as Seafoam Islands. These caves are home to loads of Water Type Pokemon, the same that will be useful to have when facing the Cinnabar Island Gym. However, the main attraction to the Seafoam Islands is that they are home to another Legendary Pokemon!
If you mess up and move a boulder into a bad spot, simply exit the room to find the boulder reset to its original position. After you enter the cave, go to the east and push the boulder into the hole to the north of it. Now go back to the steps to the north of the entrance and go up.
You can't get through Seafoam Island unless you have a Pokémon that knows Strength. So remember to bring it. This underground maze looks mighty confusing, but it's actually not that bad. The idea is to use your Strength ability to move boulders out of the way and drop them into holes in the floor.
If you drop two boulders into the same hole, don't worry just drop down one of the holes and use the ladders to bring you back to the level and try again. Once the boulders are in the right place, you can drop down one of the holes and either surf up (to the left) to get Articuno.
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